An Interview With Tha True Original Gata™ Monique Dupree

I had the privilege of interviewing Monique Dupree, here’s that interview.

First of all thanks for taking the time to do this

Q1: How did you get into the world of acting? 

I know it’s cliche to say, but I was born an entertainer. For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to perform for people. I got my first opportunity as a film actress when I was about 13. I was in a movie called Lean on Me. After being on that set and experiencing everything on a set, I knew THAT was where I wanted my focus to go.

Q2: Who were your favourite Actors/Actresses growing up? 

I have a list but a few that stand out would be Lucille Ball, Art Carny and Jackie Gleason. As much as I loved horror, I thought I was going to do something comedic because these actors drew me in and made me laugh so much. Laughing washed away my pain, if only for abit. I wanted to be able to give that to others.

Q3: You’re known as the “First Black Scream Queen” is this something you’re proud of? 

Of course! Why not? I did not give myself that name, but I sure wear it proudly. I’d like to think that I can continue to represent the CLASSIC scream queen, before the title became something watered down.

Q4: How has it been dealing in the business as a female? 

I know from others it can be challenging. It’s VERY challenging. If I am to be honest, it’s even harder being a black female in this business.

Q5: As a wrestling fan I have to ask, how did you get involved in the business?

Through Tommy Dreamer. He is one of the most talented, passionate and humbly people in the industry. He also tends to see potential in people that others may not see as early on. If it were not for him, no one would have bothered to entertain the notion of me being in wrestling. He puts all of that passion, knowledge and talent into his own production company called House of Hardcore. I owe him everything. 

Q6: What’s been your greatest moment in the ring?

I think my favorite moment would be my first time in the ring where Sandman pulled my wig off my head. It was quite an epic moment!!

Q7: You’re known for being a big family person, having had ten kids and also being the Sister of Tony Todd, how does this impact your career and the many projects you have?  

It’s extremely hard being a mom of 10 and having multiple careers. It’s not impossible, but certainly hard to balance. My brother helps me out a lot with advice, learning techniques etc. He is so experienced, well read and an all around renaissance man. I am always grateful that I can reach out to him when I need advice.

My family helps me out so much. I think if I didn’t have the kind of supporting family that I do, I couldn’t do any of this.

Q8: What were your favourite horror films growing up? 

The Fog, Christine just to name a few. I truly have a long list of favorites.

Q9: Have you got anything exciting lined up? 

Yes! As always I have a list of wrestling shows coming up for House of Hardcore. We have a show in Long Island Friday May 19th. For a list of shows, go to I also have a list of appearances coming up as well. One of which is Scare-A-Con in Springfield,mass June 2-4th

Q11: Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to follow in your footsteps?

Be passionate, driven. Pay attention, be persistent and be patient. You have to have a tough skin to be in this business. 

Q12: Do you have any last words for anyone reading this?

I thank you for taking the time out to interview me.
I also just want to say that we live in really rough times right now. Always remember to pay it forward. There’s always someone out there in need of an ear, a smile, a hello, some advice.

We need a little more compassion for one another esp in these hard times.

Tha True Original Gata™
Monique Dupree

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